Backups 50 GB + Tech Support

 100,00 + VAT

Serviço de Cópias de Segurança em tempo-real na Cloud para proteção dos seus ficheiros em caso de perda por eliminação acidental, avaria dos equipamentos, perda ou roubo dos equipamentos, vírus ou ransomware. Em 1h, os técnicos iFlexi configuram os seus equipamentos para ter a certeza de ter tudo bem configurado! Por menos de € 2 por semana, não arrisque perder os seus dados e documentos pessoais ou ficar sem o seu negócio! Ideal para proteção de equipamentos de uso pessoal e empresários independentes!

SKU: BACK50GB Category:


You are contracting 1 Year of Cloud Backups + Offer of 1 hour of remote technical support for the initial configuration of backups on your equipment.


– Disk Space: 50 GB (if you need more space, talk to us so we can make a proposal suitable for your case)

– Type of protected equipment: Windows PC, Android Smartphone, Web/email server

– Number of equipments: Unlimited (only limited to total disk space, which is shared by all devices)

– Tech Support: By Phone and Email

– Configuration of backups on equipments: Up to 1 hour of initial configuration via the web by iFlexi technicians (unlimited number of equipment, within the contracted time). This intervention is optional, and the customer can choose to carry out this configuration independently.

– Backups Software: NextCloud (the backup software recommended by's PPLWARE channel:

– Annual Renewal: € 100 + taxes


After ordering and paying for the service, within 24 working hours you will receive contact by email to schedule the online connection of iFlexi technicians to your equipment for configuration.

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